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Quality Standards and Selection Methods of Ceramic Tableware

Jan. 06, 2023

How to choose ceramic tableware?

Household life is inseparable from ceramic daily tableware, which is beautiful in shape and beautifully decorated. It is practical and ornamental, and it can increase appetite when accompanied by three meals. We compare and buy tableware from the following angles:

1、 From the perspective of porcelain:

When purchasing ceramic daily necessities, bone china and reinforced porcelain are the best, both of which are materials for high-end tableware.

Bone china is recognized as a high-grade porcelain in the world. It is not pure white, but a natural milky white, with high transparency and light texture. The shape and color of bone china mainly depend on silicon oxide, aluminum oxide and calcium oxide. The higher the content of calcium oxide, the better the color. In nature, there are not many sources of calcium oxide, so choose animal bone meal as the source of calcium oxide. When the bone powder content reaches a certain ratio, the quality of porcelain will be greatly improved, which is mainly reflected in the gloss and moistness of the vessel. However, if the content exceeds a certain ratio, the porcelain will become relatively soft, and it will be difficult to shape and fire during the production process. If the process is not properly controlled, it will easily cause the amount of lead to dissolve beyond the standard, so the price is also the most expensive.

2、 From the perspective of decorative patterns:

It can be divided into overglaze color, overglaze color, underglaze color, colored glazed porcelain and some white porcelain without color according to the characteristics of the decorative surface.

What is glaze? Glaze is a kind of bold substance. Applying glaze to ceramic body can make ceramic products obtain a shiny and non absorbent surface, that is, water. The unglazed ceramic will have a rough and non shiny surface after firing, such as purple clay pottery.

Compared with the above decoration methods, the underglaze color is mainly traditional blue and white and blue and white are exquisite, and the color is relatively monotonous. In the price, the underglaze color is richer than the underglaze color, and the product grade is higher, but the process requirements are strict, the project cost is high, and the price is also high. The overglaze color is rich, but the surface smoothness is low, and the processing is convenient, and the cost is correspondingly low.


In addition to their different artistic effects, the main difference between the above different decoration methods lies in the content of heavy metals such as lead and cadmium. The content of lead and cadmium in underglaze color, underglaze color, and most colored glazed porcelain and white porcelain is very low. However, if overglaze color uses inferior pigments in the processing of ceramic patterned paper, or uses excessive amounts of pigments containing high lead and cadmium in the design of patterned surface, or the temperature and ventilation conditions during baking are insufficient, it is easy to cause the dissolution of lead and cadmium to exceed the standard.

3、 Quality standards and purchasing methods of ceramic tableware:

Appearance quality standard: appearance quality is an important indicator of product grading. The current product standard in China divides products into three categories: superior products, first-class products and qualified products. The superior products are quite up to the international advanced level, the first-class products are the domestic advanced level, and the qualified products are the domestic general level. The appearance quality of the eugenic products originally meets the requirements of "five none and one small", that is, no spot, no slag, no color dirt, no pinhole, no glaze scratch, and small deformation. Spots (black spots) are commonly known as fly excrement. If there are spots on the product, it will always give people a dirty feeling, thus affecting their appetite. First class products and qualified products have more relaxed requirements on allowable defects than superior products.

4、 The following methods should be followed when purchasing:

1. "Look" means to carefully observe the porcelain from top to bottom, inside and outside, to see if the product has large defects such as deformation and black spots, and then to see the whiteness, transparency and glaze gloss of the product.

2. "Listening" is to listen to the sound made by gently tapping porcelain. If the sound is crisp and pleasant, it means that the porcelain body is fine and dense without cracks. When fired at high temperature, the porcelain is completely porcelain. If the voice is dumb, it can be concluded that the porcelain body is cracked or porcelain is incomplete. This kind of porcelain is easy to crack due to changes in temperature and heat.

3. "Comparison" means comparison. For matching porcelain, compare the accessories to see if their shapes and picture decorations are consistent.

4. "Trial" means trial cover, trial assembly and test. Some porcelains are equipped with covers, while others are composed of several components. When selecting porcelains, don't forget to try to cover the covers and assemble the components to see if they are suitable.

5、Notes for purchase:

The amount of lead dissolved from blue pigment in ceramic pigment is relatively high. If the amount is too large in product decoration, the lead content in the product will easily exceed the standard. In order to reduce the impact of lead content in products, special attention should be paid to the following when purchasing ceramic tableware:

For the utensils containing food, attention should be paid to the decoration of the contact surface with the food.

For vessels containing acidic food, products with less decorative patterns on the surface should be selected as far as possible.

When purchasing, you should also pay attention to whether the color of the drawing room is bright. If not, the temperature may not meet the requirements when baking flowers. The lead and cadmium release of such products is often high.

Special attention should be paid to those products whose patterns can be wiped off by hand. This product has a very high amount of lead and cadmium dissolved.

If you are not sure about the product, you can soak it in vinegar for several hours. If you find that the color changes easily, you should discard it.


What are the requirements of the dishwasher for ceramic tableware? For the ceramic tableware to be washed in the dishwasher, it is better to choose the product with the edge inside and the round lead reinforcing edge, because such products are not easy to be damaged in the washing process.

What kind of ceramic tableware cannot be heated by microwave oven: When purchasing ceramic utensils for microwave oven, avoid products with metal decorations, such as those decorated with gold edges, silver edges or inlaid with gold paper and metal wire.

Why it is better not to use cracked ceramic tableware: the cracked ceramic tableware is not easy to clean the dirt in the cracks, which is very easy to make bacteria multiply, causing disease to enter from the mouth. At the same time, it is easy to crack when it is filled with food with high temperature.

Why can't you wipe ceramic tableware with metal wire? Scrubbing ceramic tableware with metal wire is easy to cause glaze scratches, and the scratches are easy to absorb dirt and cause lead, etc. in the pattern to dissolve, which will have adverse effects on the human body.


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